Affirmation for Self-Compassion, Acceptance and Forgiveness

Affirmation for Self-Compassion, Acceptance and Forgiveness
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So many of us struggle with self-acceptance, and spend far too much unproductive time ruminating over past regrets and otherwise beating ourselves up over what we think we ‘should’ have done or how we think we ‘should’ be. I created a FREE Insight Timer meditation and affirmation for cultivating more self-compassion and self-acceptance as a way of silencing the negative self-talk and building more confidence. Please click below to access this very important meditation.

DESCRIPTION: This is a mindfulness practice for learning self-compassion, self-acceptance, self-love, and forgiveness of self. In it, we use affirmations such as “I am learning to love and accept myself” and “I accept myself completely,” in order to redirect negative self-talk and self-judgment. This is also a tool for building self-worth and confidence and learning to fully accept who we are. CLICK HERE to tune in.



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